Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's True...He does the rest

God is so incredible.
I love that all we have to do is come to Him broken...and He does the rest.

I have been having trouble sleeping for just about a week now and I feel completely exhausted. It's 7:30am and I haven't been to bed yet. About an hour ago I pulled out my bible (finally...after tossing and turning for hours...) I read a few chapters, and of course, was almost instantly feeling more encouraged. As I started talking to the Lord, I just said "something just isn't right."

It seems like all it took was that simple realization. Something just isn't right and I know it's me... I believe that as soon as I did that, the Lord gave me this little ditty...which perfectly describes where I have been and what the Lord desires of me (and all of us).

This is my repentance, my prayer, and my desire...

Oh to be near You
to sit by Your side
to hear Your sweet voice
In You I abide

Though I may run
and sometimes I hide
nothing is secret
You see the inside

No matter the distance
or wrongs I have made
When darkness surrounds me
Your light will not fade

So give me the strength
to remain in this place
wrapped up in Your glory
and eternal embrace