Sunday, January 10, 2010


Why do I try to withhold things from the Lord? Everything I am and everything I have is the Lord's. It all belongs to Him so I do try to control it?

Abraham was willing to give up his only son and the fulfillment of God's covenant with him because God told him too. He did just as God had said from being to end...right up to the point where he was mid sacrifice.

It's because Abraham withheld nothing from God that He knew that he feared Him. I want God to know that I fear Him. I don't want to withhold from the Lord. I want what He wants and I want to give Him everyhing I have...even the things that would be difficult to sacrifice.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I love how patient the Lord is...when we laugh and don't believe and think that what we desire is outside of the scope of possibilty, He very simply asks, "is there anything too hard for the Lord?"

When I feel like there isn't anyway that what I desire is possible because I have done too much wrong or I have messed up or there is just too much opposition...the Lord very simply responses to my freak out with, "is that really too hard for Me? I have done so many other amazing that really too hard? Just be patient and wait for Me..."

God is just gracious and good and patient and compassionate and tender...He just all around amazes me!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


The thing that stuck to me was this...out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. My desire is that because of God's grace and mercy that He would be evident through the my life and through my mouth. My Lord has done so much for me and I want that to be so clear and evident to everyone who talks to me.

I am not as careful with my tongue as should belt want to be and I really don't like that. I want my mouth to speak ONLY out of the overflow of my heart...then people will see more of Jesus and way less of me which is EXACTLY what I want.

I don't want to be another person that makes people feel bad about this or that or whatever. It's not my job to judge...I'm in the same boat as all humanity...In need of a Savior. I want the humility of being dependant upon the Lord to be visible in my life.

My prayer is that the Lord would continue to grow that in me and that He would make me more humble and that He would give me strength to control myself and my tongue.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So today is day 5 of my reading throuh the bible in a year regiment. I realized today and over he last couple of days how much I have been missing the Word.

I have definitely not been as diligent as I could or should be in reading the word. Today when I was reading in Genesis through a bunch of names that at time resemble mismatched letters all jumbled together with no spaces and called a word/name...that even through the frustration of reading all those names I feel a little less famished; just for reading.

I felt like I was starving but couldn't figure out what I was hungry I know. I was famished for the word. I feel like I am being satisfied now, and it's only been 5 days...

And everyday I read and blog and journal and allow the Lord to speak to me, I get more excited for the next day and the day after that!


So today's reading took to the story of Simon's mother-in-law. When I was reading I was particularly taken with the bit that said Jesus healed her and she immediately got up and began to wait on them.

I was just thinking about how good God is to provide food, clothing, shelter, financial provision and also spiritual provision and all of our physical needs. How thankful am I really? I mean I am amazingly thankful but is that reflected through my actions. How readily do I serve the Lord and His people?

Through the overflow of Simon's mother-in-law's thankfulness she immediately got up and started serving them. I want to be thankful for the provision and care that He gives me that I am always drawn to serve those around me.

I have so much to be thankful for I want to wake up and immediately wait on the Lord.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Today's post is pretty simple. It's simple yet super difficult. My reading in Gensis brought me to Noah...and I found myself examining my own obediance. Noah was amazingly obediant. It says he found favor in God's eyes and that God remembered him and what he had promised. Noah did just as God had said. He followed His instructions exactly. I know that I am definitely not that obediant. I fight God on what He asks me to do...much more then I would like to admit. It's silly becaue it's not like I think I can do better on my own cause I know from past experience that I definitely can't. I just always have to ask...why?...for how long?...what will happen next?...what do you mean wait?...the list of questions goes on and on and on...

So my prayer for this next year but especially for this season in my life is that I would be more Noah. No questions and no hesitations...just yes Lord. I want to find favor with the Noah. I want to see the Lords provision and rememberance in my life through the things that He has asked me to scrifice or be blindly obediant Noah.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


It says in Luke that God's favor was on man...I was just thinking about what that means for me. God's favor is on me...he wanted to be in relationship with me and not because He was in lack of anything or in need of something but because He wanted that for me. He wanted me to be in relationship with Him. He allows me to be in His presence and to be near Him and close to Him. He blesses me because He adores me because He chose me. He chose me to be His because of His favor on man. That's so RAD. Not only is it Rad but it makes me see the value of what I have in the Lord. Relationship, friendship, kindness, compassion, grace, love, and the list goes on and on. The amazingness of God and His graciousness to give it all to RAD!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


God's creativity blows my mind...the fact that He saw all of this surrounded by a great expanse of nothing seriously blows my mind! The fact that He saw me from nothing is even more amazing...

Sometimes I get discouraged and wonder what it is that I'm actually good at. I mean yes I'm creative and ic an figure out how to teach myself to do stuff and make some cool things but what does that really do? I can do a bunch of stuff but is it all just stuff or is there a reason for it?

Then I read Gensis and I realize the creativity of the Lord and it gives me q confidence in who I am and what I do. I am made in the image of God and God is the most creative of them all.

Basically...I AM my Father's daughter! :) (or at least I'm tryin to be more like Him...)