Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thai Time...Day 1

Thai Time Day 1 consisted of a lot of checking myself and trying to work through priorities and what's really important to me. I decided that I needed to decide what should come first and why. Nothing much to say here, just an encouragement...if you haven't recently made a list, you should.

What is really important to you? What do you devote the most time to? How does that change your day or attitude about the day? Different things effect us different ways and when we are continuously consumed with the same things, it's bound to start effecting you one way or the other. So how does your daily routine effect you? I just only started a list and realized that I was gonna need to think about it over the course of a few days in order to have a better look at myself, so that it kind of task one for the next week: To make a list of priorities and a list of things that really need to be minimized or cut out completely. I'll you all know how it goes...

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