Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thai Time...feeling a little dry

I know I haven't posted anything for awhile. I have been going through a bit of a dry season. I have been having a really hard time in my alone time with the Lord. I feel like the Lord just isn't talking to me...

I know that the Lord promises to make Himself known and I absolutely believe that promise and I am holding on to it for dear life. I have seen Him do it in my life in so many ways. It's just discouraging. I feel like the Psalmist when he cries out, "How long will you keep yourself from me?" That has been the reoccurring question in my mind...How long Lord? Not just How long, but also for what?

How long?
For what?

I don't know...For now please keep me in prayer. I am trying to remain faithful and steadfast and pressing through in faith, knowing that the Lord is bigger than me and my circumstances, and that I am in Christ. I am covered by everything that He is. I may feel far away but I know with everything inside of me that He is with me...never far away and never with His back turned. He is there with out stretched arms...

I love you all and I will be writing again soon. I Promise!!!

1 comment:

LuLu (a.k.a. Cyndi) said...

I love you friend..As I pray for you, I just keep thinking...Just rest in His arms! Sometimes our attempts to hear something, or get an answer get in the way. Just be okay with resting in His arms right now. Be rejuvenated by the power of His peace. XOXOXO