Monday, September 29, 2008

Thai bounds

So the last few days, actually about a week or so, the Lord has just been working on me in the simplest of terms...

Very simply, He has been showing me through His word and people around me, that His love has no bounds.

When I feel alone and on my own, tired, frustrated, worn out, dry, uncertain, scared, or whatever...His love covers all of that. It doesn't have expectations and it's not bound by disappointment. No matter what, He will still be madly in love with me!

So, I am just trying to walk in the confidence I have in God's love. I am confidently resting in the knowledge and surrounding of God's love for me. He cares about how I feel and where I'm at and what I'm doing and what I'm going through.

God's love is unending and deserves to be praised. When things get out of control and I feel dry or overwhelmed or whatever else...I will be confident in God's love and I will praise Him because He is worthy and good.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I'm so glad too that God's love is not uncertain like the emotion of human love so often is. You're so very right that we can have confidence in His love like no other. Boundless, unconditional and unending - aren't you glad we're allowed to grow in it every day? Amazing!