Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's True...He sees me

"You are the God who sees me"
~Genesis 16:13

God sees me. I love reading the Bible, when you get to a verse that you've ready 1000 times and it just leaps off the page at you. Well this was one of those moments.

The last month has been a little crazy and somewhat discouraging in the fact that I have been sick, with various things, over and over and over again...pretty much non stop. I have been trying to just plug on through but it's been tough.

Reading that one verse today just encouraged me and made me feel a huge sense of peace. God sees me. He sees my sickness and He sees my heart. He sees every inch of who I am, which is incredibly encouraging when you feel like every time you go into the doctors office they look at you like you're crazy...

God not only sees me but He sees whatever it is that is wrong with me as well. He knows what the problem is and He knows how to fix it. He sees me. I'm just in awe of those 3 I really am. Simply because I am so small...just one person, seemingly insignificant (according to the world's standards) and yet God sees me. He takes the time to see me and know me and not because I'm super great and have done anything to do deserve it. Simply because of how fantastic and because of how big He is.

1 comment:

LuLu (a.k.a. Cyndi) said...

Kristie, it is true, God sees you. In fact, he gave me this very picture of you today and I began to pray. The picture was of you standing in your doctors office so frustrated. So, when you described that in your blog I got chills. He does see you, he cares about you and so do I. I am believing for a total miracle for you. Love you!